May Photo of the Month: Dead Man's Cove Tells a Tale

Photo by Nathaniel Wise

Photo and writing by Nathaniel Wise

Washington... Washington is amazing. I am constantly surprised at how many beautiful places one state can hold. I did not grow up here, but I had always admired the Northwest from afar. It seemed like a magical place — and now that I am here, I've found it to be true. 

Washington is the reason that I seriously got into photography. It is just so inspiring, so beautiful and so photogenic here. How could I not buy a camera? I had to. I am very glad that I did. Photography and Washington go hand-in-hand. There are so many wonderful landscapes to explore. Shrub-steppe, alpine peaks, massive volcanoes, rainforest, rocky coastline — we really have it all. 

This particular image was taken on the southwest coast of Washington, at Cape Disappointment State Park. Don't let the name mislead you, this place is not remotely disappointing. It is a wet, foggy and rugged stretch of beach. I found this tree in the sheltered location of Dead Man's Cove, a quick detour on my hike to the lighthouse. The weather was overcast, which really affected the overall look of the shot, giving it a mysterious mood.

The coast is definitely one of my favorite parts of Washington. I say "one of" because I'm not sure I could actually pick a favorite. There are so many different and beautiful places here. As I write this, I am actually sitting under the stars at Lake Wenatchee, in the Central Cascade mountains. I plan on catching sunrise, taking some photos and drinking some coffee within the next few hours. With the departure of winter and the arrival of spring (wildflowers!), I have a feeling the next few months will be quite busy for me.

Nathaniel Wise is a photographer living in Seattle. He is always outside in his spare time, photographing, hiking and camping in the beautiful Northwest landscape. You can find more of his work at